Peace. Quiet. Tranquility.
These are the things privacy hedges can offer you and your family. Of course, an outdoor living space that shuts out that annoying neighbor is a win any day! But in all seriousness, privacy hedges, when designed right, can offer you respite, unique backyard dimensions, and a private sanctuary that protects you and your family.
What are Privacy Hedges?

Privacy hedges (sometimes called Hollywood hedges) act as a barrier between property lines or create a secluded space in your yard. They are typically comprised of evergreens or other fast-growing and easily maintained bushes. They can protect you from spectators looking in. They can protect you from having to hear unwanted noise or see ghastly views (from highway noise, busy streets, or unpleasant commercial properties behind you). They give your outdoor living space a unique and charming character that is easy to maintain.
What are the Benefits of Privacy Hedges?
✅ PRIVACY: These hedges will provide you with the privacy you need. It’s a natural way to seclude your backyard retreat. You’re entitled to that! So let’s protect your outdoor space.
✅ PROTECTION: Privacy hedges offer some protection against the elements! Wind, rain, and snow will rue the day they tried to take over your yard!
✅ NOISE POLLUTION: If you are city-living, hedges are a FANTASTIC way to drown out some of the noise and chaos that might surround you.
✅ CURB APPEAL: Any realtor will confirm that privacy hedges offer beautiful curb appeal and can be a helpful selling factor.
✅ SHADE: The sun is great until it isn’t…take a break in your quiet backyard retreat with plenty of shade because of your privacy hedges!
What Should You Consider When Choosing the Right Privacy Hedge?
There are plenty of options when choosing the right privacy hedge for your yard. Understanding your main goals when choosing a privacy hedge will help you narrow down your best options. Not only do you need the barrier to serve a purpose (privacy, shade, protection), but you also want it to reflect your unique design style. We can help make these yard hedges gorgeous additions to your home! Check out our most popular privacy hedges here!
1. How long should your privacy hedges last?

You can expect the lifespan of your privacy hedges to be around 30 to 100 years if properly maintained and cared for. Therefore, proper pruning is essential; here are some great tips on best practices for pruning. On the other hand, if the need for privacy is merely temporary – for instance, a construction zone or your home has become part of a traffic detour route – you may want to consider unnatural barriers like fences or trellises.
2. How quickly do the privacy hedges need to grow?

The good news is that most privacy hedges are responsive to rapid growth! Evergreens typically grow three to five feet in height in just two seasons. This is based on healthy rain levels and ideal growing seasons. It also means proper pruning tips need to be enforced for optimum growth. If you require an immediate privacy barrier, some tree farms or nurseries will sell mature hedge trees or bushes. Still, it comes with a risk of surviving in your soil – please confer with a horticulturist at your local nursery before choosing this option.
You can also always consider a temporary barrier or partition that is constructed behind your newly planted privacy hedges. This partition can look like a fence, trellis, or louver fence. It will offer the immediate privacy you seek while allowing time for your new hedges to grow.
3. How tall do you need your privacy hedge to be?

An average height for privacy hedges will range from six to eight feet. This size will need to be maintained through correct pruning practices. The green giant arborvitae tree (a popular landscape hedge) can grow upwards of 40 – 60 feet. Depending on how tall the barrier needs to be will determine which bush is the right choice for your needs. And we share these options in our article on the most popular privacy hedges.
Installing an Unnatural Barrier VS. a Privacy Hedge
If properly maintaining privacy hedges gives you pause, then perhaps you should entertain installing the following barriers instead:
I. Vinyl Fence: an easily maintained protective barrier that adds a beautiful charm to your yard!

II. Wooden Fence: an effective option to drown out your surroundings, but it will take some maintenance throughout the years to protect it from weathering.

III. Louver Fence: a great option for modern landscaping design that adds a quiet retreat while blocking out your busy surroundings.

IV. Wood Lattice Fence: while it doesn’t block much noise pollution, this option does offer a charming cottage look that makes for a beautiful landscape.

V. Vinyl Trellis: this is a great option if you are a flower enthusiast that wants to create a secret garden of your own!

Meet the Team
Here is the great thing about privacy hedges – our hardworking team at Elevate Outdoor will take great care of your privacy needs for your outdoor living space. We design, plant, and maintain your privacy hedges for you! That includes pruning and mulching options. With a warranty on our plants, you can’t go wrong with trusting us with your most significant asset…your home!
We also are a design and build landscape company. So if, after your research, you’ve determined that an unnatural barrier would better serve your purpose, we can build that, too! Contact our customer service department today to schedule your free consultation and quote. Or submit a free quote form here, and someone will be in touch with you soon!